Here is a truly delicious chilled soup, perfect for the hot summer days! It’s wonderful not to have to spend so much time over the hot stove, but even better, to eat simple- raw- fresh food! We all know the benefits of eating unprocessed foods: food is medicine! I hope you agree and give this recipe a try. I have been experimenting with all sorts of chilled soups these days but today, I want to share this one, which I thought is gorgeous! To make 6 medium glasses I used 3 medium carrots, a quarter of a medium pineapple, 1/2 litre of water, a handful of ice cubes, 1cm lemongrass, 1tablespoon olive oil, a pinch of salt, a twist of black pepper and the juice of 1/2 lime. Wash, peel and chop the carrots and the pineapple, place in a liquidiser, along with the rest of the ingredients and blitz until smooth. Taste to correct the seasoning and the consistency, you can add more water if you prefer it lighter. Serve very cold. I hope you enjoy it!   Adding to the repertoire Kale and apple+ apple cider vinegar Celery, ginger & apple