For the purposes of this Statement, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
- “Safeguarding” means all such practices and procedures implemented :
- To protect Children and Young Persons and Vulnerable adults from abuse and to promote their wellbeing and safety.
- To respond appropriately to an incident of abuse or suspected abuse.
1.2 “Children and Young Persons” means persons under the age of 18 years.
1.3 “Vulnerable adults” means persons aged 18 and over who are EITHER:
- a) receiving or may need community care services because of learning, physical or mental disability or illness OR
- b) unable to take care of themselves or unable to protect themselves from abuse.
1.4 “Abuse/abuse” means:
- Physical abuse including hitting, slapping, punching, burning, misuse of medication and inappropriate restraint.
- Sexual abuse including rape, indecent assault, inappropriate touching and exposure to pornographic material.
- Psychological or emotional abuse including belittling, name calling, threat of harm and isolation.
- Financial or material abuse including stealing, selling assets, fraud, misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or State benefits.
- Neglect and omissions or failure to act including withholding of the necessities of life such as medication, food or warmth, ignoring medical or physical or mental health needs.
- Discriminatory abuse including of a racist or sexist nature or based on a person’s disability and other forms of harassment, slurs or other disrespectful treatment.
- Institutional or organisational abuse including regimented routines and cultures, unsafe practices, lack of person-centred care or treatment.
1.5 Abuse may consist of one or more incidents and may be deliberate or unintentional.
1.6 “ Trustees” means Trustees for the time being of Siddington Trust Limited (STL) .
1.7 “ Trustees, staff/staff members and volunteers” means any Trustees, staff or volunteers of STL whose role involves working with any Children, Young Persons or Vulnerable adults in the course of any activities for which the Trustees are responsible.
2.1 Siddington Trust Limited (STL) is a Registered Charity which owns Thornycroft Hall Pexhill Road Macclesfield. Thornycroft Hall is a Centre with residential facilities where activities including conferences, courses, retreats and other activities are held and which provide people with opportunities for their human, cultural and spiritual development.
3.1 STL respects and values the personal dignity, fair treatment and and rights of all persons and recognises that it has a responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of all its staff, volunteers and visitors and a particular responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of any visitors who are Children, Young Persons or Vulnerable adults. Accordingly, it is the policy of STL to ensure that its Safeguarding procedures are compliant with current UK legislation and UK Government and Charity Commission Guidance on good practice standards. In particular, STL is committed to carrying out the following procedures:
- A requirement that Trustees, staff and volunteers provide satisfactory character references.
- The carrying out of Standard checks on Trustees, staff members and volunteers with the Disclosure and Barring services before allowing them to work with any Children, Young Persons or Vulnerable adults taking part in any STL activities.
- Working within the current legal framework and Government Guidelines for referring incidents of abuse or suspected abuse to the appropriate agencies.
- Ensuring that Trustees, staff and volunteers have knowledge of this Statement and of any other written Practice or Procedure Statements or Instructions which it may from time to time issue in connection with its Safeguarding duties and shall require them to undergo any training it may consider necessary to provide them with a basic awareness of the signs and symptoms of abuse.
- Inclusion of this Statement of policies and procedures on the Thornycroft Hall website.
3.2 In regard to any activities held at Thornycroft Hall which are organised and run by any Organisation other than STL, then STL shall, without prejudice to its Safeguarding duties generally, make appropriate checks to satisfy itself that such Organisation has in place its own appropriate written Safeguarding policies and procedures in respect of those activities.
4.1 Any Trustee, staff member or volunteer who becomes aware of an incident of abuse or suspected abuse in the course of any activities as referred to at paragraph 1.7 above shall report it as soon as possible to the DNP who is responsible for responding to a complaint of abuse or suspected abuse. In the absence of the DNP the report shall be made to the DNP’s appointed Deputy. The DNP/DNP’s Deputy shall cause a Referral of the incident of abuse or suspected abuse to be made to the Cheshire East Local Authority Children/Adult Safeguarding Services .
4.2 Name of DNP: Michael Concannon
Mobile number: 07786 360062
4.3 Name of Deputy: Martin Poole
Mobile number: 07816 084335
4.4 If neither the DNP nor the Deputy is contactable then the Trustee, staff member or volunteer concerned shall make the Referral of the incident direct to the Cheshire East Local Authority Children/ Adult Safeguarding Services. (See Appendix 1 for initial Complainant Interaction Guidance and Appendix 2 for contact details and procedure on making a Referral to Safeguarding Services.)
4.5 The role and responsibilities of the DNP are to:
- ensure that Trustees, staff members and volunteers are aware of their Safeguarding duties in the event of becoming aware of an incident of abuse or suspected abuse. ( see Appendix 1)
- ensure that 1) an incident of abuse or suspected abuse is acted on promptly and in a manner which ensures its confidentiality and 2) a Referral is made to the Cheshire East Local Authority Children/Adult Safeguarding Services . ( see Appendix 2 for Contact details )
- follow up any Referral and ensure that all issues have been addressed,
- consider any recommendations for the improvement of STL’s Safeguarding process and implement any recommendations which the Trustees may approve.
- ensure that Trustees, staff members and volunteers adhere to good practice standards with regard to confidentiality and security,
- ensure that any Trustee, staff member or volunteer who has worked with any person who has made a complaint of abuse is appropriately supported and (if appropriate) supervised.
- At the discretion of the DNP, pass information to another Agency without the consent of the Child/Young Person/ Vulnerable adult concerned if he/she is in danger, at risk or has made a complaint of abuse.
General guidance for Trustees, staff members and volunteers on appropriate interaction with a complainant of abuse:
- reassure the complainant
- listen carefully to what the complainant is saying
- record what has been alleged/witnessed as soon as possible
- remain calm and do not show shock or disbelief,
- tell the complainant that their complaint will be treated seriously,
- do not start to investigate or ask detailed or probing questions,
- do not promise to keep it a secret.
In the event of a Trustee, staff member or volunteer either having personally witnessed an incident of abuse or having been made aware of a complaint of abuse, he/she shall:
- call an ambulance if required,
- Call the Police if a crime appears to have been committed
- preserve any evidence
- make a secure written record of the alleged incident as soon as possible and pass it to the DNP if contactable, otherwise to the DNP’s Deputy. If neither the DNP nor the DNP’s Deputy are contactable, proceed in accordance with paragraph 4.4 above.
Referring an alleged incident of abuse to the Cheshire East Local Authority Children/Adult Safeguarding Services.
- In relation to a Child/Young Person:
Immediately, by telephone to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) on 01606 288931 or 0300 123 5012 or Out of Hours and the referrer believes it is an emergency and cannot wait, by email using the appropriate CHECs Online Referral Form (
- In relation to a Vulnerable Adult:
Immediately by telephone to Adult Care Services on 0300 123 5010 between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am-4.30pm Fridays or at all other times including Bank Holidays 0300 123 5022 and as soon as possible by email using the appropriate Adult Safeguarding Report Form (>staying safe).
Ensure that receipt of the email Referral is acknowledged after sending.
If the incident of abuse or suspected abuse involves a criminal act, contact Cheshire East Police Tel 999 in emergencies or Tel 101 for non- emergencies.
March 2024