Maundy Thursday Meditation

Maundy Thursday Meditation

Maundy Thursday is the celebration of the Institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood. With that comes the cross and the resurrection for the paschal mystery is the work of redemption. Listen to this audio meditation from Fr Michael to help you deepen in your... Read more
Holy Week

Holy Week

Holy Week is a sacred time for us to purify ourselves. Will we make this week holy? Are we ready for the resurrection of the Lord? Listen to this audio meditation from Fr Joe and he will help you to take advantage of this final week in Lent. Read more
Mothering Sunday

Mothering Sunday

Mothering Sunday, also Laetare Sunday are a day of celebration during the solemn season of Lent. Why, you might ask, does Mothering Sunday fall on this day in Lent? Traditionally people would go to their Mother Church for a special celebration on this day and make... Read more
September Family Picnic

September Family Picnic

Join us for our penultimate Thornycroft family picnic of the year on Sunday 24th September 2023. For those who would like to attend, there will be Mass at 12pm. Bring your own picnic and catch up with your family and friends from 1pm to 5:30pm. Drinks will be... Read more