retreat for men

2024-2025 Retreats

November 2024

202428Nov01DecRetreat for men

February 2025

202527Feb(Feb 27)8:30 pm02Mar(Mar 2)3:30 pmRetreat for men

May 2025

202502May(May 2)8:30 pm05(May 5)3:30 pmRetreat for young professional men

November 2025

202527Nov(Nov 27)8:30 pm30(Nov 30)3:30 pmRetreat for men

Cost – £250

The fee for each retreat is £250. We request that this amount be paid by each participant even if he does not attend the whole retreat.

It is the policy of Thornycroft Hall that no one should ever be discouraged from attending an activity because of difficulty in making payment.

If you are unable to pay the full cost, feel free to let the retreat organiser know in advance, with a brief reason, indicating the amount you would be able to pay.

Optional contributions over and above the cost of the retreat for the upkeep of the Conference Centre may be made payable to Thornycroft Hall and given to the retreat organiser or sent to Thornycroft Hall.


Please complete this form to book a retreat.


Your details

We are aware of possible allergies and these will be catered for as long as we know in advance.


Feel free to ask questions about the event or provide any further information you feel necessary.

Payment method

Once you submit the application form the page will update and provide information on how to pay the deposit for this event. Payment can be made by bank transfer or post.

Please indicate your intended payment method. This helps with our application process.
Thank you.